Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Paperclay play

I haven't posted in a very long time. I've made new dolls, sold some, entered shows, was accepted, was rejected. Then, last month, I took an eye-opening workshop from Susie McMahon. http://susiemcmahondolls.blogspot.com/ahon.

I learned that I can sculpt! I love the project I made and I'm looking forward to more. Right now, I'm making dolls to which I will add paperclay over cloth heads. I'm also getting my feet wet in designing costumes. This sounds odd, but my previous creations have been nude; my aim being to portray emotions. I haven't exhausted this by any means but all my lovely fabric wants to play too!

And - I've been making beaded doll pins. I have always been enchanted by small things, peephole eggs, gaming miniatures, I even made a tiny rosary from thread and small beads when I was about 12. Anyway - beaded dolls feed that place in me where small things reign.

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